NGCOA Jeff Ciecko Benevolent Fund
In memory of Jeff Ciecko
In Memory of Jeff Ciecko
Tara, her close friends and family are working with the National Golf Course Owners Association Canada – BC Chapter on a newly created Benevolent Fund that will support golf industry members going through a critical illness situation.
Jeff lost his battle to cancer on March 10, 2023. Jeff was a dear friend, colleague to the golf industry and the Co-Founder of CK Golf Solutions. For close to 25 years Jeff, and Tara have worked closely with the NGCOA Canada team on various initiatives as well as with many NGCOA Canada member courses. Jeff was a regular guest speaker at many NGCOA Chapter Meetings as well as NGCOA Annual Conferences. Jeff and Tara became an extension of the NGCOA Canada family.
Jeff is a Past President of the PGA of British Columbia, was a finalist for the PGA of BC Head Professional of the Year award and is a two-time winner of the NGCOA Canada – BC Chapter Fore Seasons Golf Professional of the Year Award. This award is proudly being re-branded as the Jeff Ciecko Fore Seasons Golf Professional Award in 2023.

2023 Fundraising Event and Celebration of Life
On August 28, 2023 Tara and a close group of friends worked with the NGCOA Canada – BC Chapter to host the annual BC Chapter Golf Tournament at Hazelmere Golf Club as both a fundraiser and a Celebration of Jeff’s life.
The event brought together a large group of industry friends and family for a day of golf, dinner, drinks, laughs and tears. Old Fashioneds were served at the Celebration in Jeff’s honour.
The initial fundraising goal was $20,000. With the support of Golf Kelowna making a significant contribution, industry support through terrific prize donations, a dinner table auction and personal donations the event exceeded our first year fundraising goal.
The Ciecko and Knight families and a close group of friends are committed to this fund over the long term and plan to continue to grow the fund through various fundraising opportunities. Tara will continue to provide support and involvement over the long term.

Why a Benevolent Fund
The benevolent fund is designed to aid present NGCOA member club employees who have found themselves in financial hardship related to the treatment and recovery of a critical illness.
The fund is designed to provide the financial assistance for basic needs, transportation or health care services related to the costs of cancer care or other critical illness treatment and recovery.
Who Will Benefit?
The fund is intended to provide assistance to those in need, including golf course staff members of an NGCOA golf course, in good standing, or their caregivers. Those in need of financial support will be required to complete an online application offered through the NGCOA website.
Our intent is to include not only golf course staff affected by cancer but those impacted by any other critical illness situation.
NGCOA facilities can apply on behalf of an employee of their facility, or can provide the applicant with a link to the application form.
Applicants must also explore all other avenues of financial support to be eligible for assistance from this fund. This includes employment insurance and/or extended health benefits.
This fund is not intended to cover lost wages.
What Assistance Can Be Expected From This Benevolent Fund?
Assistance will be “awarded” based on the application completed by the person in need to the Benevolent Fund committee. Approved applicants will be provided assistance for a set/pre-determined, temporary period of time. Applicants may apply for additional assistance should their original application expire. All assistance received is not required to be re-paid.
Specific Examples of funding assistance
Basic Life Needs
Assistance to provide for basic personal needs such as food, clothing, shelter.
Out of pocket cancer treatment drugs.
Out of pocket costs of doctor appointments, including travel expenses.
Cancer or Critical Illness Care
At home care and long term care.
Family Care and Counselling
Assistance to ease the burden of unique family situations.
Assistance to support final arrangements
How Will The Fund Increase and Grow?
Donations and Fundraising!
Our goal was to raise $20,000 in 2023. We were already off to a great start with Golf Kelowna pledging to donate $4,000 in Jeff’s name. The August 28, 2023 NGCOA Golf Tournament and Celebration of Life in memory of Jeff helped us exceed our first year fundraising goal.
The Ciecko and Knight families and a close group of friends are committed to this fund over the long term and plan to continue to grow the fund through various fundraising opportunities. Tara will continue to provide support and involvement over the long term.
How Will The Fund Be Administered?
The NGCOA Canada BC Chapter will administer the fund.
A committee of current NGCOA members, known as the Benevolent Fund Committee, will meet bi-annually to review the fund and will accept applications on a pre-determined schedule.